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  • 執筆者の写真伶紗 吉岡

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th every year. White Day is only celebrated in Japan and South Korea. Valentine’s Day is a day to show affection. People send cards, called valentines, to their friends, family, and loved ones. Verses on valentines often rhyme, express love, and almost all ask, "Be My Valentine."

Valentine's Day comes from the Christian holy days that celebrate two Christian saints named Valentine. The holiday started with an ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia, which took place every February 15. The festival honored Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage - and Pan, the god of nature.

Valentine's day is fun day to celebrate with friends and loved ones. In American elementary schools, students decorate their classrooms with red and pink paper hearts. They exchange gifts, candy, flowers or ‘valentines.’ Adults often go to a nice restaurant for dinner on Valentine’s day and often give presents, such as jewelry, chocolate or flowers, to their significant others.


Alex Conley is the Executive Director of ALEX英会話 月島・勝どき校. Alex has been teaching English in Japan for the last seven years in eikaiwa around the Kanto Area. He is also a certified and accredited Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar trainer with the U.K. based company, Jolly Learning.





英検の準会場認定校のALEX英会話では、 2022年度第3回実用英語技能検定を実施する予定です。 ※試験会場はALEX英会話月島校となります。 (但し、1級・準1級は本会場のみ。3級以上の2次試験は本会場での受験となります。)...

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