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What is thanksgiving?

執筆者の写真: 伶紗 吉岡伶紗 吉岡

Thanksgiving is a a national holiday that takes place in Canada and the United States. In Canada, thanksgiving is held on the second Monday in October, and in the United States it's held on the fourth Thursday in November. The tradion comes from a feast orginzized by European colonists after they traveled to North America. In 1621, European pilgrims invited Native Americans to join them for a feast. This was to show thanks for teaching them how to grow crops successfully. Today, most people see Thanksgiving as a chance to spend time with their family and enjoy a great meal. A turkey is usually the main item on the menu. The president of the United States also pardons a lucky turkey who escapes the fate of ending up on a Thanksgiving table. Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the Holiday Season in America, with preparations for chrismas starting soon after the holiday.

From all of us at ALEX英会話, Happy Thanksgiving!





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